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Detroit at Kansas City

May 24, 2006
img8:10 PM Eastern
Premium Pick
3 units on Detroit -228 (moneyline) (risk 3 to return 4.32)

You have to feel sympathy for the Kansas City starters. Hernandez was pitching a gem yesterday and the Royals took a early 4-0 lead. However, you can feel the tension in the air as the 7th inning stretch approached as Pandora's box was opened as the Royals went to their bullpen. What happened? The usual. They blew the lead and the Tigers won 8-5. Today, another similar situation here as Bonderman faces Gobble. Bonderman was shelled in his last outing against Cincinatti but each time he has gotten hit hard, he has come back the next game with a solid performance. An example this year is when he was hit for a similar 7 runs in the first game of the season against the Indians only to come back in his second start and get the win by giving up 3 earned runs in 7 innings against the A's. Gobble is 0-4 with over a 7 ERAnow and the Royals have lost each of his 7 starts this year as only one of them was a one run loss. Both pitchers have faced the other team this year where as Gobble pitched well but lost against the Tigers in a 1-4 ball game and gave up 3 earned runs in about 5 innings of ball. Bonderman has given up just one run in 14 innings against the Royals this year and it seems like a solid matchup for his bounce back. The Tigers have the advantage in the starting pitching, hitting, bullpen and nearly every intangible.


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